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More From It's Time Texas

It's Time Texas has created a variety of services to help you and your friends, family, and community live healthier.
  • Woman looking at her phone and smiling before an exercise class

    Free Telehealth Coaching

    Free, confidential assistance is just a call, text, or video chat away. Available in English and Spanish, our certified health coaches provide personalized, one-on-one support – built around your life – to help you set and achieve health goals, establish and maintain healthier habits, and prevent and manage chronic conditions. Text or call us at (844) 262-6224 to get started today!

  • Community Challenge winners

    The Community Challenge

    It’s Time Texas Community Challenge unites Texans from across the state to build a healthier Texas. This free eight-week competition challenges Texans to develop simple healthy habits like eating healthy, exercising, and staying hydrated because our everyday choices shape our health and our future. Great work to all of the 2024 challenge participants! TEXAS, you showed up and made 2024 the best Community Challenge yet!

  • Women at a business meeting


    It’s Time Texas provides a diverse set of toolkits to support organizations and communities with resources to build capacity while mobilizing efforts to implement healthy change.

  • A family cooking together

    Nutrition Education Videos

    It’s Time Texas works to build healthier lives and healthier communities across Texas through interactive programming and educational materials. We encourage you to utilize our nutrition education videos as a resource and as personal support throughout your health journey.

  • Two women having a conversation at the 2023 Healthier Texas Summit in Austin, Texas

    Healthier Texas Summit

    Join us for the Healthier Texas Summit, where leading voices in public health convene to address community challenges and opportunities for change. Connect, share ideas, and build relationships essential for a healthier Texas. Earn continuing education credits for CHES, CHW noncertified, and K-12 Educators. Don’t miss this transformative event shaping the future of public health in Texas and beyond.